I love beef. Steaks, specifically. But beef stew, roast beef, and roladen (no pickles, please.) are just as awesome.
Nothing compares to a good steak, though.
This is how I think ground beef came into existence:
"Hey there, Bob. I got all these spare parts from that cow we slaughtered and it's not enough meat to do anything with it."
"Man, Roy, I got a couple carcasses from the other day laying around too. What should we do with em?"
"I gotta idea, Bob! Let's get an old potato ricer and smush all this old meat into something that looks like a sponge, grill it, put it on bread and in a couple hundred years, our great, great grandsons will sprinkle truffles on it and charge schmucks five thousand dollars for it."
"Sounds great, Roy!"
...And so the hamburger was born.
Clearly, this is a dramatization. But my hatred for burgers and ground beef is real.
RANDOM FACT: That burger I described is totally real. Hubert Keller makes it. I can think of so many other things I would rather spend $5000 dollars on.
RANDOM FACT: A single hamburger contains meat from up to 100 cows.
I lived in Europe when I was growing up and I remember mad cow disease being a very real issue. Maybe that's what I am disgusted by ground beef. But that doesn't explain why I think that it tastes like cinnamon.
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