Sunday, March 28, 2010


I do not understand the appeal of tomatoes.

It's a texture thing for me.

They are grainy and acidic and all around nasty.

And it is not just fresh tomatoes that I don't like. I can't stand marinara sauce, ketchup, tomato sorbet (yes, it exists), tomato soup, fried green tomatoes and tomato sauce.

The weird part? I like salsa and pizza sauce. Mostly because neither tastes like tomatoes. My love of salsa is relatively new; I didn't start eating it until about a year and a half ago. I can kill a bottle of salsa in a day and have eaten an entire pizza by my self in one sitting.

I think my dislike of tomatoes is the thing that my mother would battle me the most on. Every summer for as long as I can remember, my mom has had a vegetable garden and she can grow tomatoes like nobody's business. My parents and my sister all love tomatoes and we have at least 5 plants each year. One time, I sat at the dining room table for four hours after everyone else had finished because I refused to eat the tomatoes in my salad. I was about 4, I think.

I do understand the appeal of tomatoes. They are rather pretty and they come in so many different colors. Have you seen Cherokee Purples? Gorgeous! Yellow Plums? Beautiful! I would just rather look at them than ingest them.